What is ELDOA?

ELDOA is a French acronym, translated into English as “Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretching”. ELDOA was developed by world renown Osteopath Guy VOYER DO over 30 years ago and has helped thousands of people around the world with management of back and joint pain, spinal dysfunction and postural issues. The ELDOA techniques were developed by Guy VOYER to create space within the joints and counter the negative effects of every day life or sport. Beyond the benefits attributed to chronic back pain, patients are experiencing improved visceral function along with faster performance recovery, and improved awareness & wellbeing.

Benefits of ELDOA: 

  • Improved Posture
  • Increased Hydration and Quality of Disc
  • Helps strengthen the body in extreme ranges of motion
  • Chronic Back Pain Relief
  • Decreased Inflammation and Joint Stiffness
  • Effective Injury Rehab & Prevention
  • Improved Muscle Tone
  • Normalization of Disc Protrusion
  • Faster Performance Recovery
  • Improved Awareness

I discuss my experience with ELDOA in an article published by POPsugar magazine. Read Article Here

To learn more about the ELDOA Certification Program CLICK HERE

Calendar of ELDOA Certification Courses 

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