My Morning Routine + The Importance of creating your own routine

My Morning Routine + The Importance of creating your own routine

My morning routine changes slightly with the seasons or with specific projects happening at that time

6am – Upon waking

Drink a glass of water + morning supplements

Morning Gratitude Prayer

Dry Brush (Body) + some Essential Oils application

Gua Sha (Face)

Prepare AM beverage






Walk the pup + pick up newspaper


Meal + Emails


Start the work day

Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. Check your thoughts, attitude and heart.

I find that by starting my day with a positive routine, subconsciously prepares me for whatever the day might bring.

There are certainly days where I feel like just sleeping in, and sometimes we have to allow that to happen, as sleep is exponentially crucial to our health. But I have noticed that when I make a habit of snoozing, I don’t feel as ready for the day as when I stick to a routine.

I receive so much mental power from my morning routine, that when skipped, it feels as if I missed out on something really great. Some days are really over the moon with great news and productivity all around. Others can be more challenging, either health wise, physically, relationship wise, mentally, and work wise. Sticking to a morning routine that fuels you personally, can help to face whatever the day has in store for you, in a more clear and productive manner.

Several years ago, I could say I was one of those people who woke up and hit the gym by 5:45am. These days, I have found that this just doesn’t feel right for me anymore. So we have to respect our bodies and our  mind, and find a routine that truly works for us individually. It shouldn’t be a list of things to do in the morning which you dread the night before. It should be something you look forward to, and something you enjoy while doing so. Otherwise what’s the point?

Something to note….your morning routine does NOT have to happen every morning, and doesn’t have to look EXACTLY the same every day. Mine sure doesn’t. I try to stick to the things that I find most beneficial to my day, but life happens and we’re not ALWAYS going to abide by the same outline. DO NOT be hard on yourself for this! Simply applying the intention and coming through with it on regular/majority of the time can be far more efficient than stressing out that you didn’t do it, or not having the intention at all.

A proper morning routine looks different for everyone, and is not a one size fits all. I will say, that the one true foundation that I have found to be so incredibly powerful, no matter what time you wake or what activities you choose, is practicing conscious gratitude. We have no control over ANYTHING. But if we start our day with gratitude, we already set our tone for the day, no matter what will come. We have started by focussing on what we are already grateful for, which in turn sends out an automatic positive vibe into the universe, not just for yourself, but for others as well.

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