Zero Waste Essentials Within Reach

Zero Waste Essentials Within Reach

Never underestimate your impact on this planet. It’s simple things we do daily that can contribute either positively or negatively to the health of our Earth.

Over time, we’ve become very comfortable with all sorts of conveniences like zip lock bags, and other single use plastic items. This has put a major strain on our planet, food system, and our health. At first it can seem overwhelming to “live more sustainably”. So I’ve gathered up some of the zero waste essentials we use in our home and created this Journal post. To provide you simple Zero waste practices that are 100% within reach. You don’t have to do ALL the things, go BIG or make a bunch of new purchases. Start by incorporating just one of these zero waste items at a time. The one you’re most comfortable with, then go from there.

Some Simple Tools & Swaps

Reusable Grocery Bags

Always keep a reusable grocery bag in your purse or car

This way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting it at home and having to resort to the plastic bags at stores

Reusable Bottles/Containers

Glass or stainless steel containers help avoid plastic use AND avoid plastic from leaching into your food when heated

I like the Stojo reusable coffee cup because it’s silicone, easy to clean and collapsible to 1 inch thickness, so easy to keep in my bag at all times


Repurpose Used Jars and Glass Food Containers

Think sauce jars, olive jars, etc.

Wash them well and use as storage containers for food or other items

Reusable Straws

Small enough to carry with you always

Easy to clean


Swap your ziplock bags for Reusable Silicone bags

I LOVE these Stasher Silicon Bags because they’re durable, really hold all type of food from sandwiches to snacks to soups!

They come in different sizes

Freezer safe

Dishwasher safe

Saves money, since you don’t have to keep buying ziplock bags anymore


French Press

You can use a french press to make coffee or tea

Eliminates the use and expense of coffee filters

Easy to clean

Easy to use

Mesh/Fabric Produce Bags

Sustainable, reusable alternative to plastic bags

Keeps food fresh without produce drying out

Different options to choose from (breathable mesh, cotton etc)

Depending on material, can hold produce, or fine grain bulk items like flour

Cotton bags can be dampened and refrigerated to keep greens fresh

Machine washable


Stainless Steel Tea Strainer

Using loose leaf tea and a strainer like this one, avoids tea bags

Bonus: You get less toxins and fillers that are sometimes found in individual tea bags

Compost OR Save Food Scraps

You can learn to compost in your backyard, or if you live in an apartment like us, you can save your scraps in the freezer and drop em off at your local compost drop off

Keep 1-2 large freezer bags in freezer, and throughout the week, just fill with scraps of food you’d normally toss (such as discarded veggies bits/scraps from peeling, onion peels, spoiled produce, etc)

Swap single use fabric softener/dryer sheets for Reusable Wool Dryer Balls

Aside from being bad for the planet, they’re TERRIBLE for your health! Most fabric softener/dryer sheets contain chemicals and ingredients that are linked to endocrine disruption, cancer, skin issues, Reproductive & Development Toxicity

Such a simple fix: Save yourself from high exposures to these toxins AND save your money by using Wool Dryer Balls

Shop now, get $10 off your order

Sustainable Cleaning Products & Reusable Dryer Balls

Branch Basics is a company offering nontoxic cleaning products, using high quality plant-based ingredients

Reduces plastic use: You purchase a large bottle of the cleaning solution (third image), which can be used for laundry, bathroom & all-purpose cleaning. You fill each bottle (bathroom cleaner, all-purpose, laundry detergent; with the marked amount of water to cleaning solution ratio. 

Saves you money: Since you only have to re-order the cleaning solution and can keep refilling the original bottles. 

Shop now, get $10 off your order

Wax Wraps

Another alternative to single use plastic bags, is these food wraps that are made with cotton that’s coated with sustainably sourced beeswax, organic jojoba oil, and tree resin

Easy, reusable, all-natural way to store food

I like to wrap it over food plates too

Other Things We Can Do To Help Our Planet Thrive

Buy from farms using Regenerative Farming

Support companies that reduce their impact (ThriveMarket, AWG Bakery, etc)

Ditch the plastic!

More Sustainability Resources

Zero Waste Home

Going Zero Waste

Earth Easy


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